Finding REST

Find your rest in God today!

2 min read

The days have been long and hard. I'm feeling weary, but I'm taking the time and on my way to meet with God. I've stepped away from the regular path for now only to find myself walking in a lush forest. The warm sun rays shine through the tree tops and my footsteps crunch the leaves as I get closer. I feel a refreshing breeze, then I hear a whisper, "Come and rest a while!" I'm picturing the word 'REST' in my mind in capital letters when I stumble onto an opening in the middle of the wooded area and then I see a large banqueting table laid out for me. Yes, all for me! I recognize it as a place to feast, to fellowship, and have fun with my Lord. And then I remember that great scripture,
"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil... You prepare a table before me... my cup runs over..."
The road out there sure has felt tough and never-ending, but this space has been created especially for me and is a safe place to rest, receive, and regain perspective, strength, and wisdom for the next part of the journey. The food and fruit are laid out abundantly and each item has a specific purpose to provide me with nourishment and for growth. He is smiling as He says, "Come and eat! Come and feast! Come and fellowship with Me! Come and rest a while!" I already feel the heaviness lifting off of me. I'm delighted to know that I am a beloved child of the Most High. Here, I am so close to my Father. Here, I am protected. Here, I am covered by His wings. I know He always holds and helps me and I can come here any time, wherever I am, and with whatever is going on around me. Yes, I will stay here for a while. I want to stay forever but I've got to get back because I have to spread this good news! Soon, I'll be refreshed and ready to continue on, stronger than before and knowing that
"...His goodness and love shall follow me all the days of my life!"
And then I'll be back tomorrow (if not sooner) to meet with You, yet again, Beloved Lover of my soul!
brown wooden bench in forest during daytime
brown wooden bench in forest during daytime

Psalm 17:8 (TPT)

"Protect me from harm, keep an eye on me as You would a  child who is reflected in the twinkling of your eye. Yes, hide  me within the shelter of Your embrace, under Your  outstretched wings."

Psalm 31:2 (TPT)

"Rescue me quickly when I cry out to You. At the sound of  my prayer may Your ear be turned to me. Be my strong  shelter and hiding place on high. Pull me into victory and  breakthrough."

Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.  They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run  and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."

Soaking Session...